(030) 22 45 89 97 info@wtm-aussenwerbung.de

Poster Gallery

A Poster Gallery is created when a single advertiser books all the large-format posters on a train station platform exclusively for one month. Every day, up to hundreds of thousands of people stand on the platform waiting for their train. Here, a Poster Gallery reaches an audience of millions and, at the same time, an attractive, mobile target group with high purchasing power. The Alexanderplatz train station, for example, is used by 150,000 people every day and achieves a gross reach of over 4.5 million with poster advertising in one month.

Depending on the size of the station, there can be up to 33 large panels telling an advertising story or presenting a motif sustainably through permanent repetition.

Minimum booking: one platform side, one month.

The posters are not produced on Affiche poster paper as usual, but the frames are covered with a banner. The colors and motifs appear more brilliant and the banners can hang on the stations for four weeks without any loss of quality. In contrast to the gluing of 4 Affiche poster sheets, the banner does not have edges crossing through the motif, where the individual sheets of the affiche gluing usually overlap. Furthermore, the banners are more environmentally friendly than the foils formerly used for Poster Galleries and comply with fire safety regulations as they are PVC-free.

Price examples:

Alexanderplatz station is the largest interchange station in Berlin. At the subway station, 33 large-scale billboards (format 376 x 186 cm) can be booked exclusively for 28 days. The media costs amount to € 44,541.00. Plus production and VAT.
The Potsdamer Platz subway station also offers 33 large-scale billboards on both sides of the platform. Here, the campaign costs for one month amount to € 40,635.00 (media, plus production).

Furthermore, there is a Poster Gallery at Hermannplatz station, where the large-format billboards are not covered by the arriving train, as it is the case at the other stations. Instead, the advertising posters hang higher and are therefore very visible. At Hermannplatz, the media costs per month are € 44,541.00.

Inquire directly

    Your contact person

    Svenja Schwarz
    Media consultant
    “Give me a call or send me a mail”
    E-mail: svenja.schwarz@wtm-aussenwerbung.de
    T: +49 (30) 22 45 89 97